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J.M. Bailiff Farm

What is a Century Farm?

The Tennessee Century Farms Program was created in 1975 by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture as part of our nation’s bicentennial celebration. The focus of the program is to recognize and document the families who have owned and farmed the same land for at least 100 years.

William Bain's Pension Application

Soldier's Application for Pension

I, William Baine, a native of the State of Tennessee and now a citizen of Tennessee, resident at Yateston, in the county of White in said State of Tennessee, and who was a soldier from the State of Tennessee, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, do hereby apply for aid under the Act of the General Assembly of Tennessee, entitled "An Act for the benefit of the indigent and disabled soldiers of the late War Between the States, and to fix the fees of attorneys or agents for procurring such pensions, and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same." And I do solemnly swear that while in the discharge of my duty in the service of the Confederate States, as a member of Captain Perry Adcock's Co (C) Stephen H. Combs Battalion Confederate States Army. I was Taken sick with diarrhea [lined out: at Jackson, Mississippi] while on a boat coming from prison down the Mississippi River and from the effects of such sickness I was disabled as follows: Diarrhea become chronic so much so that I was unable for any sort of service in the Army and was discharged from said service therefore at Jackson, Mississippi and that by reason of such wound and disability I am now entitled to receive the benefits of this Act. I further swear that I do not hold any National, State or County office, nor do I receive aid or a pension from any other State, or from the United States, and that I am not an inmate of any soldiers' home, and that I am unable to earn a reasonable support for myself and family. I do further solemnly swear that the answers given to the following questions are true:

  • In what County, State and year were you born?
    Answer: I was born 16th day of Dec 1816 in Warren County Tennessee.
  • When did you enlist and in what command? Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom you were serving at date of wound or wounds.
    Answer: About Sept 1861 in Capt Perry Adcock's Co which was lettered C list S. H. Combs Battalion John P Titsworth 1st Lieutenant; Chestley Turner 2nd and Wm Jones 3rd
  • In what battle or battles were you wounded, and, if not in battle, state under what circumstances you received the injury or injuries?
    Answer: Received no injury in battle. Claimant had been captured at Fort Donelson, and while in prison and on the way for exchange on the boat he was taken sick.
  • What was the precise nature of your wound or wounds?
    Answer: Diarrhea, which became chronic.
  • What limb, if any, did you lose by reason of said wound or wounds, and if no limb, state fully the disability caused by said wound or wounds, and is said disability permanent?
    Answer: No limb lost but diarrhea in chronic form as stated it is permanent troubled even now & most of the time.
  • Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound, wounds or service?
    Answer: Yes
  • Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound, wounds or service?
    Answer: Yes
  • If discharged from the army, where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?
    Answer: I was at Jackson Mississippi returned home & remained during the war.
  • What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?
    Answer: Do not remember his name it appears upon his discharge which is lost or misplaced so that he cannot find it.
  • How did you get out of the army?
    Answer: Discharged out.
  • Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government?
    Answer: Yes
  • If so, when, and under what circumstances?
    Answer: He was required by United States authority, about last of 1864.
  • Are you married, or have you been married?
    Answer: Yes twice
  • If so, what is the size of your family?
    Answer: He and his wife [lined out: for wife have no children]
  • What are the respective ages of your wife and children?
    Answer: About 60 years for wife have no children
  • To what sex do your children belong?
    Answer: None, I have no children
  • Are not some of your children able to support you?
    Answer: Have none
  • In what business are you now engaged, if any, and what do you earn?
    Answer: No business, nor earn nothing.
  • What estate have you in your own right, real and personal, and what is its value?
    Answer: One mule worth [lined out: 50] 19 years old you can price him, one cow worth 20$, six shoats worth $15.00.
    Note: Shoats are young weaned pigs
  • What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is its value?
    Answer: About 50 acres of land about 15 tillable acres of land on the place worth about $300.00
  • How have you derived support for yourself and family for the last five years?
    Answer: From the land his wife gets as rent & that is not sufficient for support for them.
  • Do you use intoxicants to any extent?
    Answer: No Sir
  • How long have you been an actual resident of the State of Tennessee?
    Answer: Since birth except two years he was away
  • Have you an attorney to look after this application?
    Answer: I have not
  • If so, give his name and address?
    Answer: B.M. Cantrell has written for me and counseled with me his address is Smithville, Tennessee

Witness my hand the 14 day of Oct 1899.
Wm Baine

W. W. Parker
J.D. Heweatt
W.C. Gilbert

State of Tennessee}
DeKalb County}

Personally appeared before me, W. B. Foster, Clerk of the County Court of said County, the above named Wm Bain, the applicant, with whom I am personally acquainted, and having the application read and fully explained to him as well as the statements and answers therein made, made oath that the said statements and answers are true.

Witness my hand, at office, this 14 day of October 1899.
W. B Foster, Clerk

State of Tennessee}
DeKalb County}

Personally appeared before me, W. B. Foster, Clerk of the County Court of said County, the above named W. W. Parker one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application and who is a physician of good standing and being duly sworn says that he has carefully and thoroughly examined William Bain, the applicant, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities:

Finds applicant reputed to be 83 years old, he looks to be; no other disability found except evidence of chronic diarrhea. However, he is very well nourished for one of his extreme age. His extreme dotage incapacitates him from the performance of manual labor.

Note: Dotage refers to old age or senility.

Witness my hand, at office, this 14 day of October 1899.

W. B Foster, Clerk

State of Tennessee}
DeKalb County}

Personally appeared before me, W. B. Foster, Clerk of the County Court of said County, the above named Johnathan D. Heweatt and William C. Gilbert two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application, with whom I am personally acquainted, and known to me to be citizens of veracity and standing in this community, and who make oath that they are personally acquainted with the foregoing applicant, and that the facts set forth and statements made in his application are correct and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that they have no interest in this claim, and that said applicant's habits are good and free from dishonor. And we further make oath to the following facts touching the applicant's service in the Confederate army:

He was in line of service and in the engagement at Fort Donelson. He was captured as a prisoner and while a prisoner claimant became sick and was discharged from service.

Witness my hand, at office, this 14 day of October 1899.

W. B Foster, Clerk


Jan 28 1900
Pollard Tenn

To the pension board of Tennessee:

I will inform you about Wm Bain pension. He don't deserve a pension. His land is worth $1,000 dollars. He owns a good river bottom, and he married a woman that had a Negro child. And she not having children, and he keeps her with him and does his fine. He not less than 100 barrel corn and a hitch of horse stock and buggy. If you don't believe what I say about it, just write me a letter, and I will get plenty of people say the same. I will or write to some one else.

Jim Hodge

Office of B. M. Cantrell Attorney, Notary Public and Claim Agent.
Smithville, Tenn.
May 19, 1900

Office of war record Washington D. C.

Honored Sir:

William Baine was a confederate soldier, private in Co C., S. H. Combs Battalion, Tennessee Volunteers, Confederate States Army. Was discharge from service, he says, on account of disability. Has lost his discharge. He is an applicant for State Pension, and it is thought that his service from the records is the best evidence of his discharge. Would you please send a statement of his service and cause of discharge if record is on file.

B. M. Cantrell

State of Tennessee}
DeKalb County}

Personally appeared before me, W. P. Knowles, a Justice of the Peace for White Co Tenn. David C. McBride and George Murphy who being duly sworn say that they are well acquainted with William Bain ex confederate soldier. McBride living on the place with said soldier Murphy living in the neighborhood of claimant. The soldier and they were each well acquainted with claimant Banes property and financial condition in January, Feb and March 1900 in fact before for years & since that time. William Baine has a farm on Caney Fork River White Co Tennessee of about 40 acres. Bottom land subject to cultivation 16 acres the balance of the farm is bluff & hills. The 16 acres has been cultivated until it is tired and make 4 to 5 barrels per acre of corn about sixty barrels was gathered in 1899 and claimant Baine was entitled to one-half of the crop ruined, he had a buggy, has one mule and one cow and seven shoats or hogs; claimant has no money at interest nor now on hand. He sold the calf from his cow to pay taxes. Claimant had owned more land but as far back as 1892 his was sold for debt. For years he has not been able to do labor. For ten years he has not chopped a fire of wood. He is old and infirm, but honest and upright. His wife is fast past a middle age. She had been immoral in her early life and raised two illegitimate children. One said to be a colored man. But for many years she had a reputation for good morals before and since. The claimant married her. He was old and frail when he married to her and needed such assistance as she could and does give him but the rest of his place is not sufficient to support claimant and his said wife, and clothe them in a decent or respectable manner in the community where they live.

D. C. McBride [original signature]

X [his mark]
George Murphy

Subscribed and sworn to before me and I certify that affidavits are credible persons and entitled to consideration.

Given under my hand this 21 day of May 1900.

Sworn to before me W. P. Knowles May 21 1900 an acting J. P. for White Tenn.

W. P. Knowles, J.P.

Sparta, Tenn. 3rd July 1903

Hon. Board of Pension Examiners


I here wit hand you certificates concerning the new statement of Wm Bain Jr of Yateston, White County, Tennessee. He states he thinks a copy of his discharge was filed with his farmer application. Mr Bain is a man who is nearly or quite helpless and has no property scarcely and needs his pension. He is honest and is a good citizen. I am told by some of his old battalion he made a good soldier. He can't live long. He is in a bad fix in health and financially. And I hope to see his name in the next list of pensioners.

Yours Very truly
W.L. Dibrell

State of Tennessee
White County

I, W. L. Dibrell, County Court Clerk in and for the County and State aforesaid do certify that the tax duplicate on file in my office shows two tracts of lands to Wm Bain Jr. One 88 acres and the other 55 acres. And valued at $315. And Wm Bain Jr is here present. And states one of these tracts of land that is 55 acre tract belongs to him and is worth about $200. He also states he has a blind horse, 1 yearling, 6 head of shoats, 2 beds. All the above stuff worth about $50. States he was born in 1816. And I further certify that Wm Bain Sr is very feeble and is badly crippled so it is very hard for him to walk or get about. He is not able to do any kind of work. And is a very poor man. An has no one to rely on for a support. His certificate is made for the purpose of having Wm Bain Sr instated on the Pension Pay roll. This 3d July 1903.

His P.O.
W.L. Dibrell
White County
Yateston Tenn
Court Clerk

Sparta, July 3rd 1903

This is to certify that I have examined Wm Bain who is now applying for a pension and find him suffering from muscular rheumatism effecting lower limbs to such an extent as to render him unable for manual labor.

I.H. Snodgrass MD

State of Tennessee}
White County}

I, W. F. Tittsworth, trustee for White County Tennessee do certify that I have the tax book in my possession for the year 1902 and they show property on these to Wm Bain Jr. amount to $315. And Wm Bain Sr. is present. And states one of the tract of land of 55 acres belongs to him. And not m Bain Jr. And also states it is worth about $200. My Tax Books does not show any personal property against Wm Bin Sr. and I further certify that Wm Bain Sr. is a very old and feeble and crippled man. And is in needy circumstances.

This 3rd July 1903
W. F. Titsworth, Trustee

[#2236 was added to side of the letter]

April the 10, 1905

Dear friend

I want you please to get my name on the pension role for I am helps [sic], I am going on 89. I born 16 of December 1816. You can look over the books and find my name. I don't want go to County house you can see what they asked me and send me word.

Wm Bain [original signature]

Capt. Geo B. Guild, President
Hon. Frank Dibrell
Lt. Frank A. Moses, Special Examiner
Att'y-Gen. Chas. T. Cater
Lt. Geo. F. Hager
Jno. P. Hickman, Secretary
Headquarters Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners
Nashville, Tenn. April 14, 1905

Mr. Wm Bain Walden, Tenn.

Dear Sir-

Your letter of April 10th to Mr. Dibrell has been referred to me for reply. You had better file the certificate of this county, White, stating the acreage and assessed valuation of your property. I will bring your case before the board at the next meeting of the board which commences May 2d.

Yours truly
Frank A. Moses
Special Examiner
Sparta, Tenn.

I certify that Wm Bain property is valued in the Tax Books at $400.00 this 24th April 1905.

W. F. Titsworth, Trustee for White County


W. Bain of Captain Adcock's Company (__) of the ____ Regiment of Confederate States ___ was enlisted by Adcock of the 1st Battalion Regiment of Tennessee Confederacy at DeKalb on the 10 day of December 1861 to serve one year. He was born in Warren County in the State of Tennessee, is 46 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, and by occupation when enlisted, a farmer. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty ___ days.


Perry Adcock, Captain
Commanding Company

Certify that I have carefully examined the said W Bain of Captain Adcock's Company, and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of Chronic disease kidney and ulcer alys.

A. H. Voorhies

Discharged, this 4th day of October 1862, at Jackson Mississippi.

Lloyd [?]
Commanding the Post
P. Ellis, Captain

Note: A.H. Voorhies was an Assistant Surgeon assigned to the 10th Tennessee Infantry. Voorhies was from Columbia, Tennessee, and his name appears in 5 of 6 sources used to identify Confederate physicians.

Questions for Applicant

White County}

Polly Bain of said State and County, desiring to avail herself of the pension allowed to Indigent Widows of Soldiers, under Act of General Assembly, approved April, 1905, being Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1905, and Senate Bill No. 41, Acts of 1909, hereby submits her proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

  • What is your full name and where do you reside? (Give State, County, and Post Office) Polly Bain, Walling RTD # 1 White County Tennessee.
  • How long and since when have you been a resident of this State? 69 years
  • When and where were you born and what was your maiden name? Don't remember what year nor month born in White County. Polly Skurlock
  • When and where was your husband born-state his full name, and when and where were you and he married, and who performed the marriage ceremony? (Attach certified copy marriage license in every case) 1816, 16 Dec in DeKalb Co Tenn, William Baine, 1890, in White County Tennessee J. K. Waumack Esquire married us.
  • When and where and in what Company and Regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the war between the States?
  • How long did you husband serve in said Company and Regiment?
  • When and where did your husband's Company and Regiment surrender?
  • Was your husband present at the time and place when his Company and Regiment surrendered?
  • If not with his command at surrender, state clearly and specifically where he was when he left command, for what cause and by what authority?
  • Was your husband a pensioner or an applicant for pension, under the laws of Tennessee? He was a pensioner.
  • When and where did your husband die? At his home in White County Tenn June 1910.
  • At the time of your husband's death, were you living with him as his lawful wife? Yes
  • Have you married since the death of your soldier husband? No
  • How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at this time. None
  • What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and its gross value. I have a dowry & homestead during my live [sic] valued at $400.00
  • What property, real or personal, did you possess at death of husband or did he leave you, and what disposition if any, by sale or gift have you made of the same? None
  • Have you a family? If so, who compose such family? Give their means of support. Have they any lands or other property? No

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of May 1911

Polly Baine
[her mark] X

W. L. Dibrell, wit

Of Clk White County W. L. Dibrell Clk

Questions for Witnesses

White County}

Jasper A. Knowles & J. P. Lewis of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Polly Bain for a pension under Chapter 202, Acts of 1905, and Senate Bill No. 41, Acts of 1909, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

  • What is your name and what is your post office address? Jasper A. Knowles Walling #1 Tennessee
  • Are you acquainted with the applicant Mrs. Polly Bain If so, how long have you known her: I/We have known her 60 years
  • Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of this State? In White County Tenn. Has been a resident of Tennessee all her live ever since I have known her.
  • When and where was she born? In White County Tennessee. Don't know when.
  • Were you ever acquainted with her husband? Yes
  • When and by whom were they married? Can't say where nor by whom married
  • Where either or both of you present at the marriage? Knowles was not
  • How long did you know him? Over 50 years.
  • When and where did William Bain enlist in the war between the States, and in what Company and Regiment did he enlist, and how do you know this? 1861 in White County I think he was in Shields Company and knew he was in 16th Tennessee Infantry, Col Savages Regt
  • Were you a member of the same Company and Regiment at the close of the war? I was a member of same Regiment, but not same Company
  • How long did he perform regular military duty? Can't say I was in prison
  • When and where was his Company and Regiment surrendered? Can't say for above reason
  • Were you with the command when it surrendered? No, I was in prison
  • Was William Bain the husband of applicant present? Can't say for above reason
  • If not present where was he? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line.]
  • When and where did he leave his command? Don't know that he left For what cause? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line]
  • By whose authority did he leave? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line.]
  • How do you know all this? (State fully and clearly) I was a member of same Regt, and since war have lived something like 4 miles from William Bain and saw him frequently.
  • When and where did William Bain die die? At his home on the Bank of Caney Fork in 1910
  • Where did he reside at his death and how long had he been a resident of Tennessee at his death? In White County Tenn
  • Do you know of your own knowledge that applicant is the lawful widow of William Bain? I do
  • Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband's death, and is she now a widow? Yes she is too old to remarry.
  • What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any, and how do you know this of your own knowledge? She has a poor and neglected little piece of land for a homestead and dowry.
  • Has applicant conveyed any property in the last two years or given any away. If so, what was it and to whom? She had none to convey

Note: Let the witness who can answer the greatest number of the questions do so; then let the other witness state in the space below how much of the testimony of the first witness he concurs in, and whether or not he can answer any of the questions not answered by the first witness.

J P Lewis comes and adopts all or most all of Jasper Knowles answers as his answers.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of July 1911

Jasper A Knowles
his mark X

W L Dibrell
J P Lewis [original Signature]

County Ct Clk
W L Dibrell

The following Certificate of the County Trustee Must be Filled Out.

I, J W Little, Trustee of White County, Tennessee, hereby certify that the property assessed on the tax books of this County to Mrs. Polly Bain, the widow of Wm Bain Sr, amounts to $400.00 real estate and $ [wave line] personal. Her land is assessed to her husband deceased and none to her.

J W Little, Trustee for White County, Tenn.
J W Little

Certificate of Clerk of Court or Notary Public.

White County}

I, W L Dibrell, Clerk (or Notary Public [lined out]) in and for said county, hereby certify that the applicant Mrs. Polly Bain resides in said County, and has been a bona fide resident of this State, since I first knew her some 40 years and that the witnesses Mr. Jasper A. Knowles & J P Lewis are of trustworthy character, and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit.

I do further certify that before answering the foregoing questions, the applicant and said witnesses took the oath herein prescribed, and the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witnesses before the same was signed and subscribed.

Witness my hand and official seal this 8th day of July 1911

W L Dibrell, Clk

Questions for Applicant

White County}

Mary Baine of said State and County, desiring to avail herself of the pension allowed to Indigent Widow's of Soldiers, under Act of General Assembly, approved April, 1905, being Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1905, and Senate Bill No. 41, Acts of 1909, hereby submits her proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

  • What is your full name and where do you reside? (Give State, County, and Post Office) Mary Baine, Walling # 1, White County Tennessee.
  • How long and since when have you been a resident of this State? 73 years
  • When and where were you born and what was your maiden name? I forget Born and raised in White County.
  • When and where was your husband born-state his full name, and when and where were you and he married, and who performed the marriage ceremony? (Attach certified copy marriage license in every case) Don't know where but in DeKalb County Tenn
  • When and where and in what Company and Regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the war between the States?
  • How long did you husband serve in said Company and Regiment?
  • When and where did your husband's Company and Regiment surrender?
  • Was your husband present at the time and place when his Company and Regiment surrendered?
  • If not with his command at surrender, state clearly and specifically where he was when he left command, for what cause and by what authority?
  • Was your husband a pensioner or an applicant for pension, under the laws of Tennessee? Yes, s.a. 2236.
    Note: "s.a." believed to mean soldier's application
  • When and where did your husband die? Been dead 3 years died in White County Tenn.
  • At the time of your husband's death, were you living with him as his lawful wife? Yes
  • Have you married since the death of your soldier husband? No
  • How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at this time. None
  • What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and its gross value. None, only 1 pig worth $2
  • What property, real or personal, did you possess at death of husband or did he leave you, and what disposition if any, by sale or gift have you made of the same? 1 cow & an old horse. Horse died soon after my husband and the cow died this last winter.
  • Have you a family? If so, who compose such family? Give their means of support. Have they any lands or other property? No

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of May 1913

[her mark] X
Mary Baine

W. L. Dibrell Clk of White County

Questions for Witnesses

White County}

J. W. McPeak and Geo. H. Hudson of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Mary Bain for a pension under Chapter 202, Acts of 1905, and Senate Bill No. 41, Acts of 1909, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

  • What is your name and what is your post office address? J. W. McPeak, Sparta; Geo. H. Hudson, Sparta, Tenn.
  • Are you acquainted with the applicant Mrs. Mary Bain? If so, how long have you known her? We are and we have known her 25 years
  • Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of this State? In White County Tenn. And has been since we can remember.
  • When and where was she born? We can't say.
  • Were you ever acquainted with her husband? We were.
  • When and by whom were they married? Can't say.
  • Where either or both of you present at the marriage? No
  • How long did you know him? We knew him 25 years.
  • When and where did _______ enlist in the war between the States, and in what Company and Regiment did he enlist, and how do you know this?
  • Were you a member of the same Company and Regiment at the close of the war?
  • How long did he perform regular military duty?
  • When and where was his Company and Regiment surrendered?
  • Were you with the command when it surrendered?
  • Was William Bain the husband of applicant present?
  • If not present where was he? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line]
  • When and where did he leave his command? For what cause? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line]
  • By whose authority did he leave? [There was no answer to this question just a straight line]
  • How do you know all this? (State fully and clearly) I was a member of same Regt and since war have lived something like 4 miles from William Bain and saw him frequently.
  • When and where did William Bain die? Don't remember the date. But he died in White County 3 or 4 years ago.
  • Where did he reside at his death and how long had he been a resident of Tennessee at his death? In White County, ever since we knew him.
  • Do you know of your own knowledge that applicant is the lawful widow of William Bain? We do.
  • Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband's death, and is she now a widow? She was and is still his widow.
  • What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any, and how do you know this of your own knowledge? She has but little property.
  • Has applicant conveyed any property in the last two years or given any away? If so, what was it and to whom? We don't know.

Note: Let the witness who can answer the greatest number of the questions do so; then let the other witness state in the space below how much of the testimony of the first witness he concurs in, and whether or not he can answer any of the questions not answered by the first witness.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of May 1913

J. W. McPeak [Original Signature]
W. L. Dibrell
Geo. H. Hudson [Original Signature]
County Court Clerk

The following Certificate of the County Trustee Must be Filled Out.

I, J W Little, Trustee of White County, Tennessee, hereby certify that the property assessed on the tax books of this County to Mrs. Mary Bain, the widow of William Bain, amounts to $ None real estate and $ None personal.

J W Little Trustee for White County, Tenn.

Certificate of Clerk of Court or Notary Public

White County}

I, W L Dibrell, Clerk (or Notary Public [lined out]) in and for said county, hereby certify that the applicant Mrs. Mary Bain resides in said County, and has been a bona fide resident of this State, since the some 25 or 30 years, and that the witnesses Mr. J W McPeak & Geo H Hudson are of trustworthy character, and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit.

I do further certify that before answering the foregoing questions, the applicant and said witnesses took the oath herein prescribed, and the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witnesses before the same was signed and subscribed.

Witness my hand and official seal this 24 day of May 1913

W L Dibrell


Notes: (1) On Mary's application questions 5 to 9 have one large "X" through them. (2) On the witnesses questionnaire questions 9 to 16 have one large "X" through them.

Oct. 8, 1913
Mary Baine
Walling, Tenn., Route #1

Dear Madam:

In your application for pension the marriage certificate shows that you were married December 30, 1890. Under our law we cannot pension a widow unless she was married before January 1st, 1890.

Yours truly,
Special Examiner.

July 2, 1915
Mrs. Mary Bain
No. 4940

Hon. W.L. Dibrell
Sparta, Tenn.

Dear Sir:

We have received from you an application signed by Polly Bain, who is said to be the Widow of William Bain. In May 1913 an application was filed by Mary Bain, Widow of William Bain. I suppose Polly Bain and Mary Bain are the same persons. It seems she was married in 1890, December 29th. Our old law requires marriage before Jan. 1st, 1890. The last legislature passed a law extending the time of marriage to 1895, but they failed to give us any appropriation to cover those who should be added to the roll by the new law. Our appropriation is barely enough to take care of those we already have on the roll, and so we must ask those who were married between 1890 and 1895 to wait until we have the money before we can consider their cases.

Yours truly,
Special Examiner

Sparta Tennessee
5 July 1915

Hon. Frank A Moses
Nashville, Tenn.

Yours of 2nd July read. Mary Bain and Polly Bain are the same persons. She is very old and feeble and crippled up so I am afraid she will not live to enjoy her pension having to wait for another Legislature and appropriation. I hope you will place her on this next payroll, so she may have the benefit of it awhile. I sent two applications for widows since your last meeting - Hope to see both in your next payroll - Mrs J B Hudley and Mrs T B Biles. I hope you are holding up all right.

Yours Very truly,
W L Dibrell


Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners
Nashville, Tenn Jan 1 1916

Mr F W Hobson

Dear Sir: Very Respt
Jno P Hickman

Polly Bain
William Bane
Liberty Tenn
Jan 15/16
Gen Jno P Hickman
Nashville Tenn

Dear Sir:

I received letter from you, of date Jan. 1st 1916, stating above cited claim did not come with in the extended marriage limitation, and rejected. I am just in receipt of letter from her for explanation. I understand the statute extended marriage limitation from Dec 31st 1889 to Dec 31st 1906. Court records show she was married Dec. 29 1890. Evidently her marriage comes with in the statutory provision. So does claim of Mrs. Electra Titsworth No 5939. If I am in error it is not intentional. If the legislation makes appropriation to meet this class of claim, I suppose they will come up for adjudication during this meeting of the Board.

F.W. Hobson

Liberty Tenn
Feb 11/16
Gen Jno P Hickman
Nashville Tenn

Dear Sir

I am requesting by claimant, under application 4940, for an explanation of your letter of date Jan 1/16 (enclosed). It seems you construe the law to be a Statutory prohibition against her claim.

The last legislature passed the act amending the limitation of the marriage of confederate widows, from Dec. 31 1889 to Dec. 31/96. Applicant married Dec. 29/90. Why does she not come within the extended limitations? Mrs. Elestra Titsworth [number] 5939 married May 19th 1891. You say her claim was considered & in hands of special examiner. We know why action is not taken on those claims-no funds appropriated, by why is No 4940 rejected? She was married between 1889 & 1896.

F. W. Hobson

Final Notes:

  • Spellings are as they were initially written, except for obvious mistakes, which were corrected from the actual document for clearness.
  • On the front cover of William Bain's Soldier's Application for pension the following information appears:
    • His name is written Wm Bain, and he first filed for a pension on Oct. 18, 1899. His file number was #2236 and was stamped "ACCEPTED" on May 02, 1905. His widow, Mary, her file number also is given as #4940.
    • Two hand written notes state:
      • Wrote him Apr 14/05.
      • W.L. Dibrell Apr 17/05.
  • Additional information concerning the unit William served in can be found in "Tennesseans in the Civil War".
  • The surname Moses is given, which can be referring to Lt. Frank A. Moses, Special Examiner.
  • These documents make reference to two different men with the same first name "William". One is stated as Senior and the other as Junior. This designation was used perhaps to distinguish between these two men. William Sr. may not have fathered any children. The only child ever listed in his household each census year was Henry Rose and the children of Isaiah Bain, William's brother. William Jr. stated in these documents is believed to have been the son of Lucinda Carolyn Bain.
  • Both application files by Mary/Polly Bain were "REJECTED."
  • Polly Bain's application for "Widow's Indigent Pension" was signed on May 23, 1911, but was not filed until June 23, 1915, under file No. 2940. The cover also states "Married Dec 29 1890. Must have married before 1890, can't file."
  • Mary Bain's application for "Widow's Indigent Pension" was signed and filed in May 1913, under file No. 4940. The cover states Wm Bain, Combs' Battalion, s.a. #2236, and "new application under new law."
  • Mary "Polly" Skurlock Bain had two children born out of wedlock. She was originally the family's housekeeper. After William's first wife died, family members did not think it was proper for Mary to remain in his home and basically forced William to marry her.
  • Two marriage licenses appear in Mary "Polly" Bain's widow application. Both licenses state that William Bain and Mary Skurlock married on December 29, 1890, but were signed by J.V. Williams and J.D. Goff, respectively.

above information submitted by Ronald H. James

David C. Bain's Resignation

Dalton, Georgia, December 6, 1863
Honorable J.A. Seddon
Secretary of War

I respectfully tender my Resignation as 2d Lieutenant Company (C) 1st Tennessee Battalion and ask its acceptance. By consent of the Lieutenant General Commanding the officers and men of the 1st Tennessee Battalion have consolidated the five companies of said Battalion into three and consolidated the Battalion with the 50th Tennessee Regiment. By which consolidation nine company officers are requisite and that number still remains. I am not in arrears with the Confederate States, and there are no charges against me which will effect my pay. I have no government property on my possession.

Very Respectfully
David C. Bain 2d-Lt Company
(C) 1st Tennessee Battalion


  • The only modification to this document is the complete spelling of words that were originally abbreviated.
  • David was elected 2nd Lieutenant on September 20, 1862. On the Company Muster Roll, David is listed as being "captured while on retreat" from November 2, 1862 to February 24, 1863.
  • The remarks section of the January and February 1864, Company Muster Roll states "Resigned and gone home on January 15, 1864."
  • Brief Family Bibliography:
    David Crockett Bain (1839-1882) was the youngest of six sons born to Peter (1783-1851) and Sinah (1789-1870) Benton Bain. Peter and Sinah raised their family in what was originally Warren County, which became part of DeKalb County, in 1837, and each son enlisted in the Confederate Army. All of these men enlisted at Titsworth's Store in DeKalb County. David, Henry, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and William Bain enlisted in Captain Perry Adcock's Company C, 1st Battalion (Colms'), Tennessee Infantry, on December 10, 1861. John K. Bain enlisted in the same unit on November 10, 1862. Henry Bain (1815-1897) was appointed First Sergeant January 19, 1863, captured at Fort Donalson on February 16, 1862, and discharged on March 6, 1863, "on account of disability." Isaiah Bain (1819-1863) was Fourth Sergeant to September 20, 1862, Third Corporal to January 19, 1863, captured at Fort Donalson on February 16, 1862, captured at Oxford, Mississippi, and died at Alton, Illinois, as a Prisoner of War on January 2, 1863. Jeremiah Bain (1833-1863) was appointed 2nd Corporal, captured at Oxford, Mississippi, and died at Alton, Illinois, as a Prisoner of War on February 2, 1863. Jeremiah's name does not appear in "History of DeKalb County, Tennessee" by Will T. Hale. John K. Bain (1827-1915) was appointed First Sergeant on January 19, 1863, and listed as being "absent wounded" on the Company Muster Roll for November and December 1863. It is believed that during this time John K. was in Griffin, Spalding County, Georgia, where he met his future wife Sarah Lou Hartsfield. They were married in this town on February 03, 1867. William Bain (1816-1910) was captured at Fort Donalson on February 16, 1862, and discharged at Jackson, Mississippi, for chronic diseased kidneys and ulcers on October 4, 1862. William moved into White County, and settled on the Caney Fork River. David C. Bain probably moved to Arkansas, in 1870, given that: first, his name does not appear in the 1870 census report; and second, the 1880 census report states his sons Thomas (1869) was born in Tennessee, and James (1873) was born in Arkansas. Henry Bain most likely moved to Arkansas, in 1880, since his name does not appear in the 1880 census report. According to the Garland County, Federal Land records David purchased acreage in section number three on August 30, 1882. Henry purchased acreage in section number 23 on January 09, 1886. The land patents are on file at the Camden land office, and the purchase were made under the authority of the original Homestead entry dated May 20, 1862. John K. Bain moved to Garland County, Arkansas, after June 08, 1880 (DeKalb County, census report date). His wife Sarah died on February 12, 1892, and is buried in the Greenwood cemetery. Following the 1910 Garland county census, John moved to Shrevport, Louisianna, and lived with his son Hollace until his death. John K. is buried beside his wife in the Greenwood cemetery.

above information submitted by Ronald H. James


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